“even the top of the mountain is white”

One of racism’s harms is the way it falls on the unexceptional Black person who is asked to be extraordinary just to survive—and, even worse, the Black screwup who faces the abyss after one error, while the White screwup is handed second chances and empathy. This shouldn’t be surprising: One of the fundamental values of racism to White people is that it makes success attainable for even unexceptional Whites, while success, even moderate success, is usually reserved for extraordinary Black people.

– Ibram X. Kendi, How to be an Antiracist

so i climb dodge boulders
earn blisters but even
the top of the mountain
is white

— Vivek Shraya, “white dreams,” even this page is white


Salvation is the final book in bell hooks’ Love trilogy. I have very mixed feelings about the series as a whole, but I’ve been reading a chapter every night right before bed when I’m most exhausted, and find myself grateful for the accessibility and easy flow of her writing. The book is bringing up a lot of emotions in me, honestly. Continue reading ““even the top of the mountain is white””

This Is How You Lose Her is Love, with All the Ugly Bits Included

“So, read any good books lately?” one of my coworkers inquires, a followup to my asking around for recommendations the week before.

“Yes, actually!” I burst out. “I just finished This Is How You Lose Her… it’s a collection of short stories about failed relationships.”

“Oh lord,” someone else chimes in. “I’ve had enough of those—why would I wanna read about them?!” Continue reading “This Is How You Lose Her is Love, with All the Ugly Bits Included”